What do I do about your stolen e-bike or stolen e-scooter


A popular mode of transportation has just become even bigger with the continued development and distribution of e-bikes and e-scooters. Many are ditching the car to get around places much faster and more conveniently, also at a fraction of the price. There's no need to park, and charging is a small chunk of the cost of trying to fill up your car’s fuel tank. Yet with the rise of this great alternative, a darker side is also getting stronger. That is the Ireland bike theft numbers and the amount of people with a stolen e-scooter.

More people are not just reporting bicycle theft but also theft of their e-bikes and e-scooters. Thieves are taking thousands of these items on an annual basis so it's vital to know the threat they are under.

How do I protect my e-bike or e-scooter?

The first step you can always take is to make sure you use the Ireland bike register setup. There is now also e-bike and e-scooter register options. This is the first preventative step that you can take to protect your item. The new e-scooter regulations Ireland has introduced will help to make registration for different transportation types easier and give the authorities the chance to have the correct information when they are looking for your bike, e-bike, or e-scooter. This as a whole makes the process more organised and efficient in the recovery and tracking.

How to stop my bike from being stolen

All three of these are very popular with thieves so you should always take precautions with a proper, durable lock and secure them indoors away from prying eyes. Your e-scooter should be collapsible and you are best always carrying it with you when you are using it. You also may think it's safe to have it by your side in public spaces but if you don't tie it down properly then thieves can swipe it from you.

Other actions to take and what to do if your bike, e-bike or e-scooter is stolen

While taking preventative measures and locking everything up, you also want to consider our premium registration services. You already have enough going on in your lives, so let us take on the responsibility. When you register with us we handle everything when it comes to registration, reporting and tracking. So you can have peace of mind that someone is out there watching over your bike, e-bike or scooter at all times.

Our services will also draw up a history of thefts and claims on your item to let you know if there are any incidents to worry about. Also, when you decide to opt-out and sell your item, we can easily help support a change of ownership to help eliminate any responsibility or follow-up needed from your side.

We’re happy to speak with you about any questions related to our services and how they will be able to help you protect your assets so you don’t have to worry about them.